Lorain Downtown PREPARED Workshop

October 24, 2018 – Key stakeholders in the Lorain community joined at the Charleston Coffee House for a special event designed to work toward a strategic plan to reinvigorate the downtown and waterfront of Lorain.

Among those to present downtown initiatives were representatives from the Lorain County Port Authority,USEPA Region 5, and the City of Lorain, as well as members of the Lorain Historical Society, Lorain Public Health, the Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority, and the Rotary Club of Lorain.

The four focus areas of the workshop were: improving broadband downtown, public/private partnerships, sustainable redevelopment, and investment.


Following the community brief on ongoing projects, Vita Nuova members guided workshop attendees through the PREPARED workshop process and led community exercises and discussions on goal development, opportunities and obstacles action item prioritization, and development of a strategic action item list.

The workshop closed with a presentation on the findings from the Area-Wide Planning Project and a dinner for the community members in attendance at the event.

A report will be generated and posted on this website and this group has committed to meet on a quarterly basis to help implement the steps agreed upon in the workshop.

The workshop was sponsored by the Lorain County Port Authority funded by USEPA’s Land Revitalization Program.


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