EPA Awards $200,000 Brownfield Grant to Lorain County, Ohio

ย 01/05/2017
Contact Information:ย 
Rachel Bassler (bassler.rachel@epa.gov)

For Immediate Release: No. 16-OPA052

CHICAGO (Jan. 5, 2017) โ€” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced a $200,000 grant to Lorain County to fund a cleanup and redevelopment plan for the 19.5-acre Pellet Terminal site, a former iron ore shipping dock located downtown. The City of Lorain, Lorain Growth Corp., Charleston Village, and the Black River Area of Concern are partnering with the county on the project.

The funding will be used to help plan for nature trails along Lake Erie and restore commerce in Broadway and 28th Street corridor. This area was affected by the downturn in the steel industry. Vacant industrial, commercial and residential structures create hazardous conditions for residents and deter redevelopment.

โ€œEPAโ€™s brownfield grant will help spur more revitalization efforts in downtown Lorain,โ€ said Region 5 Acting Superfund Director Douglas Ballotti.

More information on the grant recipient: https://www.epa.gov/brownfields/types-brownfields-grant-funding

More information on the Partnership for Sustainable Communities: https://www.sustainablecommunities.gov/

Source:ย https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-awards-200000-brownfield-grant-lorain-county-ohio

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