Continued Development Incentives in Lorain

Lorain County in partnership with the cities of Oberlin and Sheffield Lake applied for and received $1,150,000 in Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) Program. As partners each community has funds set aside to address home repair and rehabilitation of privately owned – owner occupied housing.

Applications for assistance are being released on October 1 and may be turned in starting on October 2nd through November 28th. To be eligible for the assistance the housing unit must be occupied by the owner as their primary residence. Household income must be at 80% or less of Area Median Income which is adjusted for the number of persons living in the house. The home needs to be located in a township, village, or the cities of Amherst, Avon, Avon Lake, Oberlin or Sheffield Lake. Applications need to be turned into Lorain County Community Development Department at 226 Middle Avenue, 5th Floor, Elyria OH 44035.

The Home Repair Program is typically a one item project such as a roof repair, a furnace, a hot water tank or other code related item. The Private Owner Rehabilitation is a more intensive program that addresses all code related items within the home and will address multiple repairs.

While the programs are designed to be grants, liens will be placed on the home that will be forgiven over a period of time. There is no out of pocket costs to the home owner if they meet the terms of the program.

For more information please call (440) 328-2322 and ask for Linda Blanchette or Drake Hopewell.

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