Lorain Council approves ‘Shipyard Way’ name change

Lorain’s Sunset Avenue, one of the streets leading into the HarborWalk neighborhood on the Black River, will get a new name: Shipyard Way.

On Nov. 18, Lorain City Council voted 11-0 to rename the street at the request of Lorain attorney Anthony Giardini.

Giardini is leading Red Brick Development, the company creating The Shipyards Event Center in the last building remaining from the days when AMSHIP, the American Ship Building Co., was located on the east side of the Black River.

Read the Morning Journal article here.

Broadway in Lorain could open by next week

Broadway in Lorain could open by next week















LORAIN — The finishing touches are coming along on the Broadway Streetscape Project.

Marked with archways at the entrance to the city’s downtown, Mayor Joe Koziura said the thoroughfare should hopefully be open sometime next week.

Currently restricted to northbound traffic, Koziura said the southbound lane hopefully will reopen this coming week as the majority of work should be done over the weekend.

Trees will be planted after the first frost, he said, and wiring to signs at West Erie Avenue and Ninth Street should happen today. The other sign over Fourth Street will be wired by Saturday, he said.

The delay in opening after that is a pending basement issue at 610 Broadway. During construction Karvo Companies found several vault areas under the street that needed sealed off and filled in, including one under 610 Broadway.

Click here to read more.

The Shipyards looks to bring waterfront event center to Lorain

The Shipyards looks to bring waterfront event center to Lorain













LORAIN — HarborWalk residents are gaining a new bar, coffee shop and event center this winter, with The Shipyards slated to open in December.

Housed in the former American Ship Building Company building on California Avenue, the building looks to mix modern touches with its industrial roots for a backdrop to weddings, conferences or other get-togethers, according to attorney and developer Anthony Giardini.

One end of the roughly 100-year-old building will house a cafe run by Brew and Stew’s Mary Fields, a conference center in the middle and a craft cocktail bar named Superior City and a craft beer lounge called the Boiler Room, with a patio area.

Click here to read more.

Lorain Port Authority Explores Construction of Cold Storage Facility

A cold storage facility could become the latest business development coming to Lorain.

The Lorain Port Authority on Oct. 15 will unveil a plan and partnership with Tippmann Innovation, a Fort Wayne, Ind.-based company that specializes in large-size cold storage buildings.

The goal is to create “a master plan for a regional food distribution and processing hub that can reach half of the U.S. population in a day’s drive,” according to the Port.

It would sit in Lorain’s Riverbend Commerce Park on the city’s east side.

The Port and Tippman Innovation have created a conceptual drawing and a bird’s eye view of a building footprint for the storage space.

Click here to read the full article. (The Morning Journal)


Lorain International Heritage Showcase


Lorain International Queen Alena Aguayo (Puerto Rican), 17, Lorain, back, joined by her court members Nicole Londo (Slovak), 19, Sheffield Lake, middle left, Manimone Sengvoravong (Laotian), 17, Lorain, middle right, and Julianne Weber (Polish), 17, Lorain, at the International Parade.

By Zach Srnis

zsrnis@morningjournal.com @MJ_ZachSrnis on Twitter

The Lorain International Parade on June 30 capped off another year of a festival celebrating the many cultures that make up Lorain and the surrounding communities.

“It was another great year for us,” said Ben Davey, president of the Lorain International Association. “The attendance was great, the parade went well, the food was delicious and all the entertainment did a great job. The attendance was actually up from last year. Our hope is that it will reach 15,000 when we tally up the Sunday numbers.”

Davey said this year’s festival was well represented by its spotlight business and culture.

“It was another great year for us.”

— Ben Davey, president of the Lorain International Association


“Irish, as our culture, and Second Harvest (Food Bank of North Central Ohio), as our highlight business, both did a great job of representing the city and everything the festival is all about,” he said. “I alsowant to take the opportunity to announce that next year Mexican will be the spotlight culture, as presented by the Mexican-American Citizens’ Club, and The Morning Journal will be our spotlight business.”

Davey said this year’s parade had to work around the Broadway streetscape project, but it went very well.

“We had to turn off of Broadway onto Ninth Street, but I feel like it was all executed very well by our parade participants,” he said. “The Lorain High School Marching Band, the Lorain Fire and Police De- partments and all the other participants really made it a great parade. I just want to thank all of the International Princesses, vendors, performers and all the volunteerswho put in thework to make this festival happen every year. Preparation for next year’s festival is in September, and I look forward to doing it all again next year.”

Wayne Boone, of Lorain, really enjoyed the parade.

“It’s one of the longest parades I go to,” he said. “I really like everything the International Festival has to offer. There is just so much stuff to do.”

Sabrina Renaldo, of Lorain, was at the parade with her children, S’mya, 4, Caiden, 5, and Cameron Edwards, 5.

“The kids love going to parades and watching the fire trucks go by,” she said.

“The International Parade is one we don’t miss. The festival is a highlight of Lorain’s yearly events.”

Area-Wide Planning Report

The Lorain Harbor Area-Wide Planning Project focused on the historic waterfront and downtown core of Lorain, OH. The area has been negatively impacted by the past downturn in the domestic steel production industry and has experienced disinvestment, poverty, and abandonment. To address these factors, the project concentrated on evaluating market conditions, potential catalytic sites, and managing a formal Expression of Interest process to generate development interest in key catalytic sites. This process capitalized on extensive grassroot, community-led initiatives and developed concrete steps to realize the area’s true potential as a mixed-use and sustainable waterfront community.

Located in Ohio’s industrial heartland, the City of Lorain is on the verge of transformation. With an ideal waterfront location and a dedicated citizenry, Lorain stands ready to create a bridge between its historic industrial past and a new revitalized future. The Lorain Harbor Area-Wide Planning project provides guidance to reinvigorate Lorain’s historic downtown core and waterfront.

Click the link below to view a short presentation of the final report.

AWP Presentation Report




New Restaurant on Broadway “Union Town Provisions”

Union Town Provisions

While the new cafe was originally slated to open mid-January, it welcomed an eager crowd of locals and visitors alike about a month after the couple’s expected start date.

“Everyone was like, ‘You’re never going to get this done,’” Grieves said. “And I’m like, trust me, I will.”

Click here for the full story from The Chronicle Telegram

Lorain Broadway Streetscape Begins in Basements

The Broadway streetscape project has begun! The long-awaited renovation of Broadway will change the sidewalks, signage, lighting and traffic patterns from West Erie Avenue to Ninth Street. Crews are beginning work by shoring up the underground vaults that extend beneath the sidewalk from the basements of buildings along Broadway.

Click Here to read the full story from The Morning Journal.