Broadway in Lorain could open by next week

Broadway in Lorain could open by next week















LORAIN โ€” The finishing touches are coming along on the Broadway Streetscape Project.

Marked with archways at the entrance to the city’s downtown, Mayor Joe Koziura said the thoroughfare should hopefully be open sometime next week.

Currently restricted to northbound traffic, Koziura said the southbound lane hopefully will reopen this coming week as the majority of work should be done over the weekend.

Trees will be planted after the first frost, he said, and wiring to signs at West Erie Avenue and Ninth Street should happen today. The other sign over Fourth Street will be wired by Saturday, he said.

The delay in opening after that is a pending basement issue at 610 Broadway. During construction Karvo Companies found several vault areas under the street that needed sealed off and filled in, including one under 610 Broadway.

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