Area-Wide Planning Report

The Lorain Harbor Area-Wide Planning Project focused on the historic waterfront and downtown core of Lorain, OH. The area has been negatively impacted by the past downturn in the domestic steel production industry and has experienced disinvestment, poverty, and abandonment. To address these factors, the project concentrated on evaluating market conditions, potential catalytic sites, and managing a formal Expression of Interest process to generate development interest in key catalytic sites. This process capitalized on extensive grassroot, community-led initiatives and developed concrete steps to realize the areaโ€™s true potential as a mixed-use and sustainable waterfront community.

Located in Ohioโ€™s industrial heartland, the City of Lorain is on the verge of transformation. With an ideal waterfront location and a dedicated citizenry, Lorain stands ready to create a bridge between its historic industrial past and a new revitalized future. The Lorain Harbor Area-Wide Planning project provides guidance to reinvigorate Lorainโ€™s historic downtown core and waterfront.

Click the link below to view a short presentation of the final report.

AWP Presentation Report




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