Property Disposition Services
Vita Nuova has extensive experience working with and assisting small and medium-sized communities to disposition complex properties.
The disposition of complex publicy-owned property can be complex. Vita Nuova has an established track record of success helping facilitate the transfer of these assets for diverse future uses. Understanding and communicating the issues surrounding a tough site to the market as well as the voting public or its representatives is key to our success. –
Property Disposition Services
Vita Nuova helps understand and guide public property owners toward successful disposition of complex properties. Designing a process that meets public scrutiny and is successful in attracting long-term sustainable reuses is the key to our success.
Market Connections
Vita Nuova maintains a large database of development entities in many different fields, including commercial/retail, housing and energy development. Vita Nuova maintains strong personal relationships with development entities interested in complex and difficult site development opportunities. Vita Nuova has a proven track record of success in helping communities reposition and successfully redevelop difficult properties.
Communicating the Issues
Vita Nuova has extensive experience communicating complex information about sites. In order to help public stakeholders and the market understand how to address challenges associated with large, historic, and often complex properties Vita Nuova opens up the issues and communicates them clearly. Recognizing challenges to redevelopment and developing solutions before beginning any disposition process is important.
Expression of Interest Process
Vita Nuova designs and implements structured disposition processes that best suit the situation at hand. If market interest is undetermined, Vita Nuova will carry out an Expression of Interest process seeking to create interest in the property and help the owner understand options for moving forward. If market interest is strong, VN will help solicit strong responsive proposals so the client has options, creating competition that leads to more value for the client. VN is not a broker and acts as a consultant to the owner of the property.
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