Karen Rogalski is an expert at engaging difficult-to-reach communities. Karen has completed extensive field work.
Karen is a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Certified Practitioner, a Restorative Justice Trainer and Practitioner. She is a diplomatic, high energy person with strong personal communication skills. During her last eight years she worked to improve the health of inner city neighborhoods by developing a systemic data driven – neighborhood led approach to revitalization, reducing crime immeasurably through neighborhood outreach and addressing both structures and functions. She promotes walk able neighborhoods that contain a range of housing types. She works with the Community to achieve results. She was the Project Coordinator for the Cherry St. Legacy Project in disinvested neighborhoods around Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center since 2008.This project is data driven, evidence based and neighborhood lead. She improves the health of the community holistically. Karen co – chairs Safe and Healthy Homes Toledo-Lucas County.She has received her professional degree in CPTED and is certified as an International Crime Prevention Specialist. After receiving her Master’s degree in the area of psychobiology (the study of behavior) she worked in different areas of social services and government for more than 30 years.