Construction Underway in Gary, Indiana

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency‚ (EPA) Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) is supporting the Gary, Indiana Lakefront District Revitalization Plan Implementation as part of the Strong Cities/Strong Communities project.

This project was initiated by the impending modernization of the Miller Train Station, which is viewed as a catalyst for the revitalization of this portion of Gary. This current work follows earlier studies that engaged local residents, businesses, landholders, elected officials, the National Park Service, and other stakeholders in an effort to define a community vision on potential future uses for properties in the Lakefront Development District.

A key component to the Lakefront District plan is to connect to Lake Michigan. The city has begun improving infrastructure along Lake Street and will be completing a green infrastructure and streetscape plan for the Miller downtown in 2019. For more information on the project please visit the website.