Author Archives: admin

The Chemours Company, a global performance chemical company with over 200 years of manufacturing history, has a real estate portfolio featuring more than 40 manufacturing and research centers worldwide. Recently, Chemours sought the support and expertise of Vita Nuova to create a website which serves as a central repository for information around surplus land and […]

Chemours Edgemoor Chemical Facility Sold to Port of Wilmington, DE

Vita Nuova supported Chemours in the disposition of a 112-acre former titanium dioxide production center located along the banks of the Delaware River in New Castle County, Delaware just north of the City of Wilmington. On February 27, 2017, the Port of Wilmington purchased the Edgemoor property to build a container and shipping terminal. This […]

Vita Nuova Supports Key USEPA Land Revitalization Program Community Tools

USEPA’s Land Revitalization Program recently released a fact sheet that highlights a number of new tools that have been developed through community-based projects.  Vita Nuova had a major role in the development of two of the tools – the PREPARED Workbook and the Business Planning Tool for Urban Agriculture Business.  Click here to view the full fact sheet.

CT DEEP Launches PREPARED Workbook Website, Supported by Vita Nuova

VN developed the web-enabled PREPARED Workbook to integrate with CTDEEP’s brownfields program. The PREPARED process helps guide communities through the brownfields decision-making process. With links to key DEEP policies integrated into the PREPARED process, communities are better able to manage projects, keep current on state programs and policies, and achieve better outcomes. Many other states […]